hello there.
welcome to my blog.
i just love jesus and singing songs for him.
oh...and thunderstorms.

these are just my rumblings.

about me.

hi friend!

hello... the name is rachel, rachel lassen.

i just love Jesus and singing songs for him....oh, and thunderstorms. (with my whole heart) 

why do i have a blog?

i'm not sure actually.

one day i was like "i think i will make a blog"

and here we are.....

does it have a purpose?

it keeps coming back up in my life so I hope it does.

do you ever post anything?

for sure...it just might be on a different form of social media. 

you can always catch a glimpse of my daily life on the insta: @rachellassen

or... i would love to connect/hear your story/answer your questions/live/laugh/love with you via email: rachel@hopecovenant.org